Prevette Research

Ky and Bill Prevette

Prevette Fall 2009 – Update

Prevette Update

Fall 2009

 Autumn arrived a few days ago; we trust your fall season will be one of spiritual, emotional and physical vigour and welcome new ventures.  May the cooler weather and changing patterns of sunlight remind us of God’s grace in the seasons that shape our lives, families and vocations.

 Itineration: strengthening connections and building networks

Itinerate – ‘To travel from place to place – or on a circuit’

We completed our one year commitment as the ‘Missionaries-in- Residence’ at Southeastern University in May 2009. Working with several hundred bright and eager students preparing for a life of service overseas as missionaries, educators, social workers provided us with a wonderful opportunity to invest in the lives of emerging leaders.  

 In preparation for our next overseas assignment in Oxford, UK and working with children at risk internationally, Bill began the work of ‘missionary itineration’.  Here is a bit of elaboration on the process… Continue reading

March-April 2009

 Prevette Report
March-April 2009


In Central Florida on March 26th it was 82 degrees and humid. That same day my brother sent me a photograph from his home in Calgary, Alberta – they had shovelled two feet of snow from… Continue reading

November 2008

 Prevette Report
November 2008


Since our last newsletter in May, we have passed through a summer and autumn season here in Lakeland,Florida. I write this the day before Thanksgiving aware that our family has much for which to give… Continue reading

May 2008

 Prevette Report
May 2008


Last year at this time our family was packing and making preparations to move back to the USA after completing a five year term in Romania. There are some who say that time passes more quickly… Continue reading

May 2007

 Prevette Report
May 2007

Bill and Ky Prevette


We are rapidly coming to the end of a five year term in Romania; our family is experiencing the full range of emotions that accompany a major transition from living overseas.… Continue reading

December 2006

 Prevette Report Christmas 2006
Bill and Ky Prevette

Serving with AGWM in Bucharest, Romania



Seasons Greetings from the Prevette Family in Bucharest


Winter can be a demanding season here in Romania, not everyone appreciates it. Parker Palmer,… Continue reading

October 2006

 Prevette Report
October 2006

Bill and Ky Prevette
Serving AGWM in Bucharest, Romania


Cooler Weather and the Rush of Autumn

Our son, Daniel, will be 18 years old on October 8th; his birthday arrives each year in the midst… Continue reading

November 2005

Prevette Report
November 2005

Bill and Ky Prevette
Serving with AGWM in Bucharest, Romania


Hold on a minute, we can’t possibly be approaching the end of 2005 – that can’t be right. We sent out our last general newsletter… Continue reading

December 2004

Christmas Prevette Report
December 2004

Bill and Ky Prevette
Serving with AGWM in Bucharest, Romania

A Grateful Christmas from Ky

With Christmas on its way and many cards and letters arriving in our mailbox, we want to say “Merry Christmas” back… Continue reading

August 2004

Mid Summer Prevette Report
August 2004

Bill and Ky Prevette
Serving with AGWM in Bucharest, Romania


Summer ’04 finds the Prevettes taking a couple of weeks to visit friends and family in the USA while attending a few meetings… Continue reading